President's Day Time Changes (GMT +2)

Dear Valued Investor,

Due to Presidents’ Day, trading schedule for some of the instruments will change.

Note that all times/dates mentioned are GMT +2.

Also please be advised that due to low liquidity, the spreads could be wider than regular trading hours. 

Please note that this calendar is for reference only and change in market liquidity conditions may lead to earlier closing times on some products.

Times and dates are subject to change without prior notice.

If you require any further information, please feel free to contact us.

INSTRUMENT Symbol17.02.2025 Monday
ForexNormal Hours
Spot Gold XAUUSDEarly Close 21:15
Spot Silver XAGUSDEarly Close 21:15
Platinum/USD XPTUSDEarly Close 17:00
Palladium/USD XPDUSDEarly Close 17:00
Gold Gram/TL GAUTRYEarly Close 21:15
Silver Gram/ USD GAGUSDEarly Close 21:15
Gold Gram/USD GAUUSDEarly Close 21:15
MINI DOW DMEarly Close 20:00
MINI NASDAQ NQEarly Close 20:00
MINI SP ESEarly Close 20:00
Nikkei JP225Early Close 20:00
DAX DAXNormal Hours
FTSE FTSENormal Hours
Crude Oil CLEarly Close 21:30
Brent Oil BBEarly Close 21:30
Natural Gas NGEarly Close 21:30
Copper HGEarly Close 21:30
SILVER SIEarly Close 21:30
GOLD GCEarly Close 21:30
Paladyum PAEarly Close 21:30
Platinum PLEarly Close 21:30
Dollar Index DXNormal Hours
AU. Dollar ADNormal Hours
BR. Pound BPNormal Hours
CD. Dollar CDNormal Hours
Euro ECNormal Hours
J. Yen JYNormal Hours
NZ. Dollar NZNormal Hours
Sw. Franc SFNormal Hours
Corn C#Closed
Wheat W#Closed
Cotton CTClosed
Cocoa CCClosed
Coffee KCClosed
RBOB Gasoline RBClosed
Robusta Coffee RCNormal Hours
Sugar SBClosed
US T-Bond USEarly Close 20:00
London Cocoa LCCNormal Hours
London Gas Oil G#Normal Hours
Bitcoin/USD BTCUSDNormal Hours
US SharesClosed
EU SharesNormal Hours
UK SharesNormal Hours


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